Ana Tarrisse

Developer • Designer

Brazilian, Germany based


  • Now


    Full Stack Developer

    Supporting Demodern in adapting its business model to the web industry. Leading a development team into building a corporate metaverse experience, supporting the design team with some deliverables and overseeing conversations with stakeholders. In the meantime I advocate for good web development practices, accessibility and project workflow through internal presentations for the team.

    • Internal | React, the good bits
    • Internal | Git basics
  • Jun/2021



    Worked on big and small projects for different industries, with different stacks, in an agile environment. Tasks involved project setup, feature development, collaborating with peers, pull requests evaluation. Lead a tech team on a 10 days pro-bono project, Neighbour Share, as well as on the development of AKDM. One thing that stand me out of the crowd was my work GDPR vulnerability assessments and accessibility audits. As a part of the Accessibility Advocate initiative, I helped colleagues from other projects to solve their challenges. Took the stage for a few knowledge shares as well as for my own Game Show broadcasted to the Brazilian Offices.

    • Internal | Gatsby
    • Internal | Flutter
    • Internal | Watson Assistant
    Other activities
    • Accessibility Advocate
    • Privacy initiative
  • Jun/2019



    Lead a team of four developers and one designer through several time-sensitive projects, as well as in building our own publishing platform. In partnership with a award-winning infographics team, I developed editorial and sponsored SPAs that entertain and inform users. I also led the redesign of an internal publishing tool that manages the workflow of the newsroom, from ideation to usability tests. Took care of recruitment and mentoring of interns.

  • Jun/2017


    Product Designer / Business Analyst

    Comida da Gente

    “Comida da Gente” was born as a social-network-based shared economy initiative, in which a community would get together to buy large quantities of organic products directly from small producers. I started out as the Product Designer of the startup, conducting market research, stakeholder interviews, coming up with concepts, drawing wireframes, taking care of final designs and usability tests with a variety of users. The information architecture of the platform was based on the Object Oriented UX methodology, which has proven to be very efficint to keep all teams in sync regarding data structure and taxonomy. By the end of 2015, I also became part of the company's operations and business team, being responsible for captivating the community inside and outside social networks. I was able to grow the number of members from 6k to 44k and to engage over 20 new producers. I was responsible for the logistics of hundreds of collective purchases, created documents' templates to help community members, as well as coded some scripts to automate some of the work.

    • World Information Architecture Day 2017 | OOUX: Catálogo Comida da Gente
    • The Developers' Conference 2017 | Catalogando o Caos: criação de um catálogo para pequenos produtores
    • Interaction South America 2017 | From Chaos to Order, a catalogue for Small Producers


  • Jan/2015


    Developer Intern

    At Huge Inc. I had the opportunity for a variety of industries and to grow from a task-based intern to a be responsible for my own projects. I started out working on an interactive infographic piece for Vale do Rio Doce, got to develop features of projects such as the Rio Galeão website and Bradesco Seguros. I had a major role in the Multiplan project, leading the development myself. Apart from that I've bring to life lots of interactive styleguides (deliverable to clients), as well as lots of low and high fidelity prototypes used for usability testing. As an intern, I developed a pro-bono project for a beneficent initiative called E-Solidário. Once a week I run an "English club", a 1 hour English-only conversational session during lunch time. The club started with less than 5 members and in a couple of months we'd have sessions with over 15 people.

    Other activities
    • English club
  • Jan/2012


    Developer Intern

    ICE Interactive

    ICE Interactive was an incubated company (by COPPE-UFRJ) that developed real-life analysis tools. By installing sensors at strategic points in commercial establishments, it was possible to extract anonymized data from consumers behaviour. I was responsible for the design and development of a web-based client platform where the data would be visualized. In addition, I've put efforts into social events to better integrate ICE's own employees, as well as integrate ICE with other incubated companies.

    Other activities
    • Company breakfast

Other Projects

  • I was responsible for the implementation of the first digital version of the Balanço Geral of the NGO Doutores da Alegria., using Gatsby, Sass and Vercel. Worked alongside one designer, making sure the designs would be as accessible as possible.

  • 2020

    Open Source: Gatsby Documentation Translation

    Translation of some pages of Gatsby's documentation from English to Portuguese in an attempt to make it accessible to Brazilians.

  • 2020

    Open Source: Letters from Sarajevo Translatiom

    Translation of the content from English to Portuguese.

  • 2015

    Smart Living Project

    Swedish Institute + Hyper Island

    Worked as a Product Manager and Product Designer on the proposal of an ubiquitous platform to promote a sense of belonging within the community of the biggest university campus for the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro The project was presented at the Swedish Embassy as well as at the Sustainable Innovation Forum in Paris (COP21).


  • Jan/2016


    Bachelor Electronics and Computing Engineering



    I've managed my engineering education alongside my design education. My Undergraduate thesis in Engineering complemented my Design one, for both focused in local producers. It was an application to help small producers that depend on the local free market to sell their goods to manage their business. I got envolved with a students' group called GECOM that supported students. I have taken part in several activities such as organizing events, helping with the specialized library, coming up with summer extracurrilcourses, providing equipment (such as Arduinos or Raspberry Pis)

    Other activities
    • GECOM (Electronics and Computing Dept Students' Group)
    • Technical Drawing tutor
    • Electronics III tutor
  • Jan/2015


    Bachelor Design



    I've managed my design education alongside my engineering education. My Undergratuate project, a platform for organizing collective and collaborative shopping management, was acclaimed by professores. It actually came to life through Comida da Gente, having been implemented and used by the community.

    Other activities
    • Class representative
    • Photography tutor
    • staff for the International Congress of Research in Design
    • staff for the "Japanese Design Today 100" exhibit
    • scientific Initiation student at the Interaction Design Lab
  • Jan/2013


    Exchange Program Creative Computing

    Goldsmiths, University of London


    Study abroad year with a scholarship from Science without Borders program. During the year I studied at Goldsmiths, I assisted the PhD student Nicky Donald in the implementation of his doctoral thesis, which consisted of a game to be played in an interactive installation set in one of the rooms of the university. This project involves the development of control and automation tools with Arduino, Processing, Java and DMX.

    Other activities
    • Volleyball team
    • Goldsmiths Alumni Ambassador


  • PT-BRFluent

  • ENFluent

  • DEB1